圣雕像. 依纳爵·洛约拉在BC校园(凯特琳·坎宁安)

A new 电子游戏软件 professional development program aims to cultivate leadership skills informed by Ignatian values and practices among employees in both the University’s academic and non-academic sectors.

一月推出, 伊格纳蒂亚领导力发展项目为期12个月, cohort-based, four-module program that comprises elements such as individual and group retreats, 反射, 领导力培训, 和自我评估.  第一批16名学员将于12月完成课程, 第二组将于明年1月开始.

据节目组织者介绍, ILDP学员对BC的耶稣会士有了更深的了解, 天主教的传统和领导植根于依纳爵的领导传统, 对自己作为领导者有更好的认识, 以及将领导力实践与“更大的利益”结合起来的动机.” They also develop the ability to adapt leadership best practices in a Jesuit, 天主教的背景下, 在他们的工作中整合反思和辨别实践, 并评估领导行为和结果的有效性.

ILDP是大学战略计划的产物, 这需要加强对教师和员工队伍建设的承诺. Whereas the Ignatian Colleagues Program—a national initiative of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities—offers a similar orientation for BC’s senior administrative and academic leaders, ILDP侧重于下一层的领导, 包括副校长和教务长, 执行董事, 副院长, 董事, 以及系主任. And while BC’s Management Development Perspectives program provides exposure to the distinctive qualities of a Jesuit, 天主教大学和初步反思的机会, ILDP提供的深度要大得多.

人力资源副总裁大卫·特雷纳说, “ILDP is an extension of BC’s formative education experience to faculty and staff leaders. It is our hope that it will deepen the understanding of our heritage and tradition while enhancing the leadership capacity of our colleagues who participate in the program.”

通过ILDP, 组织者说, 电子游戏软件将培养“下一代”领导人, 都表现出对大学产生更大影响的潜力, that is fully conversant in the Ignatian vision and well positioned to share it among colleagues in their 尊重ive departments and offices. 不列颠哥伦比亚省聘请了外部顾问来帮助设计课程, and an internal cross-functional design group—including representatives from Human 资源 and other administrative and academic units, 以及不列颠哥伦比亚省耶稣会的成员.

Members of each ILDP cohort are nominated by senior administrators in their 尊重ive divisions; candidates must have a minimum of two years of service to the University. There is a substantial time commitment: once-a-month full-day sessions from January to June as well as September, 10月, 和12月, 还有为期两到四天的静修.

ILDP is an extension of BC’s formative education experience to faculty and staff leaders. It is our hope that it will deepen the understanding of our heritage and tradition while enhancing the leadership capacity of our colleagues who participate in the program.

Participants are each assigned to a leadership coach external to the University who helps them focus on their unique strengths and areas of challenge as part of their learning and development in ILDP; the coaching process helps participants seek, 收到, and interpret 360-degree feedback (through which employees 收到 confidential, 与他们一起工作的人的匿名评估).


不列颠哥伦比亚省餐饮服务部主任伊丽莎白·埃默里, 莫里西学院副院长拉斐尔·卢纳说, and AVP for Student Health and Wellness Melinda Stoops are part of the first 伊格纳蒂亚领导力发展计划 cohort. (凯特琳Cunningham)

Associate Vice President for Student Health and Wellness Melinda Stoops felt ILDP would give her a better sense of her professional strengths and help expand her leadership skills in the context of her work in higher education and student affairs in particular. Having considered the Ignatian and spiritual dimensions of her work at a “fairly superficial” level up until then, 她期待着更深入地探索这些问题.

“I really love the cohort model and found my relationships with my ILDP colleagues to be a great resource for exploring the program material. 除了, I’ve established relationships with a group of people from across campus which has provided me with a greater understanding of different departments, 以及一个扩展的专业支持网络.”

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean Rafael Luna found some of the case studies used in ILDP were familiar from his days as an M.B.A. 但在这个背景下"让你从依纳爵的角度来看待他们.” The program provided him with “a toolkit” useful for discussions with his colleagues on how to fulfill their academic and formative mission, 他说.

“这种有意识的反思非常有帮助. 放慢节奏,听听静音, 小声音帮我检查了一下自己, 但我也学会了如何将反思转化为行动, 这是依纳爵领导的核心,卢娜说。, who added that the insights he derived even helped him in talking with his daughter about the progress of her college career.  

不列颠哥伦比亚省餐饮服务部主任伊丽莎白·埃默里 also felt empowered through the use of 反射 in her daily routine. “我会想想进展顺利的地方, 无论是我与团队的互动,还是在家里的经历, and I would celebrate those three or four positives instead of dwelling so much on what had been difficult that day—it just really reframes everything. That’s what I try to convey in working with my senior team: You still have to manage the negative, 但当你专注于积极的一面, 你可能会发现它能帮你找到解决办法. 它可以提高你的信心和方法.”

“从本质上来说, 我们对待员工就像对待学生一样,员工发展办公室主任伯纳德·奥凯恩说. “Ignatian principles are at the core of all undergraduates’ 电子游戏软件 experience, 学校认为他们应该为我们每天的工作注入活力, 无论是在教室里, 一个办公室, 或者是餐厅.”

O 'Kane, along with program facilitators Stefane Cahill Farella and Aislynn Rodeghiero from the Office of Employee Development, say the ILDP reflects a belief that learning the concepts of leadership is not enough: Successful leaders must be versed in and demonstrate a style that enhances their organization’s culture. 他们指出,在公元前,这种文化是基于依纳爵的愿景.

“Ignatian价值观, 像完整性, 尊重, 和诚实, 是普世价值吗?, 即使你不是天主教徒也能接受它们,法雷拉说. 但是在BC, we believe it is important for everyone—student or employee—to have an understanding of the faith and tradition on which this University is built, 是什么让我们作为一个机构充满活力.”

添加Rodeghiero, “The 伊格纳蒂亚领导力发展计划 is about creating a community of practice across BC, to normalize the experience of using Ignatian principles and praxes in our work. 这是一种鼓励我们之间交流的方式, so that we can share our experiences—positive or negative—in a common framework.”

More detailed information about the Ignatian Leadership Development program will be forthcoming on the 人力资源/员工发展网站.

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2022年9月