
An undergraduate major in Political Science provides a foundation for careers in politics, public administration, international service, law, business, and journalism, as well as a foundation for graduate work and teaching in the social sciences.

An undergraduate major in Political Science provides a foundation for careers in politics, public administration, international service, law, business, and journalism, as well as a foundation for graduate work and teaching in the social sciences.

The Political Science major at Boston College consists of:

  • 10 courses (30 credits)
  • 2 introductory courses
  • 1 course in each of the four subfields of political science: American Politics; Comparative Politics; International Politics; and Political Theory
  • 4 electives from any of the subfields

The Introductory Sequence

With some exceptions as noted below under Qualifications, Exceptions, and Special Rules, 所有专业必须选修以下入门课程之一:政治基本概念(POLI 1041)或如何统治世界(POLI 1021). After taking one of these two courses, students will be able to choose from among Introduction to Modern Politics (POLI 1042); Introduction to American Politics (POLI 1061); Introduction to International Politics (POLI 1081); or Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLI 1091).

注:在《电子游戏正规平台》之前,不一定要先学习《电子游戏软件》或《电子游戏软件》, Introduction to American Politics, Introduction to Comparative Politics, or Introduction to International Politics; nor is it essential to take either or both of the introductory courses in the freshman year. Many students do not begin their major until the sophomore year, and they have no difficulty finishing it on time. 在政府和政治(美国或比较)的AP考试中取得4或5分的学生可以不参加第二门入门课程(但不是第一门)。. It will still be necessary to take 10 courses (30 credits) in the major. 您需要从学生服务办公室获得一份由本科学习主任签署的表格,以便在您的学位审核中反映此豁免.

The introductory curriculum in political science is not like that in other majors, such as economics or the natural sciences. 我们并没有提供一个单一的课程,所有的学生在进入更高水平的课程之前都应该知道. Rather, 这门入门课程的目的是让学生从不同的角度了解政治. For example, 每个教授POLI 1041基本概念的教师都有自己独特的教学风格.

There is, however, some common ground. 1041 Fundamental Concepts and 1021 How to Rule the World, usually taught in the Fall, are devoted principally to a study of some of the classic texts in political theory. 1042 Introduction to Modern Politics, 1061 Introduction to American Politics, 1081 Introduction to International Politics, and 1091 Introduction to Comparative Politics, all emphasize philosophical, conceptual, and analytical foundations for understanding their substantive domains. Critical dialogue—in the classroom and in some cases, in discussion sections—is central to the way these introductory courses are taught.

一些入门课程,如poli 1061和未来将开设的类似课程,对非专业学生和专业学生都开放, and satisfy the University Core Social Science requirement. The latter is also true of POLI 1041 and POLI 1042.

To summarize: Students will be required to take two introductory courses: Fundamental Concepts or How to Rule the World; and one additional course from the introductory list: Introduction to Modern Politics (POLI 1042); Introduction to American Government (POLI 1061); Introduction to International Politics (POLI 1081); and (POLI 1091) Introduction to Comparative Politics.

Beyond the Introductory Courses

Students go directly from introductory courses into upper-level electives. These electives do not have to be taken in any particular order, and the course numbers do not indicate a preferred sequence or level of difficulty. The second number indicates the category in which the courses fall: courses with a “3” in the second digit are in American Politics; courses with “4” in the second digit are in Comparative Politics; courses with “5” in the second digit are in International Politics; and courses with “6” in the second digit are in Political Theory. Students must take eight courses (24 credits) beyond the introductory courses, and at least one course (3 credits) must be taken in each of the four subfields: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Politics, and Political Theory. All courses (credits) 不符合子领域或入门要求的课程将被视为本专业的选修课. The subfield requirements must be satisfied by courses taken (credits earned) in the department; courses taken (credits earned) abroad or transferred from other institutions may be used to fulfill elective requirements, or the second introductory course. To fulfill the major, 电子游戏软件要求的10门课程(30学分)中至少6门课程(18学分).

There is a considerable variety in these elective offerings, 因为每个教员都有一套轮转课程,通常每年教四门课程. There are approximately 100 courses open to undergraduates over a four-year period. Some of these courses are seminars, which meet once a week, 并且通常限于19名成员,这样就有更多的机会对文本和问题进行持续和深入的分析,而不是传统的讲座/讨论形式. 除了特别的大二研讨会,研讨会只对大三和大四的学生开放.

The amount of work required in all of our courses is generally high. Clarity of thought and writing are two sides of the same skill, and for this reason, our courses place special emphasis on writing skills. In addition, most courses encourage classroom discussion on a regular basis, 这样学生就可以根据他们在课堂上的参与度以及他们的写作和考试成绩来评分.

Degree Requirements

Fields and Electives

Two introductory courses (six introductory credits) including, Fundamental Concepts of Politics (POLI 1041) or How to Rule the World (POLI 1021) and one course 3 credits from the list of other introductory offerings: Introduction to Modern Politics (POLI 1042); Introduction to American Politics (POLI 1061); Introduction to International Politics (POLI 1081), or Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLI 1091).

At least one course (3 credits) in each of the four subfields of Political Science: American Politics (POLI X3XX), Comparative Politics (POLI X4XX), International Politics (POLI X5XX), and Political Theory (POLI X6XX), for a total of four subfield courses (12 subfield credits).

Four electives (12 credits) from among any courses offered by the department that are not introductory courses.

NB: POLI 1021 (How to Rule the World) may also satisfy the subfield requirement in Political Theory. It may not, however, satisfy the Introductory requirement and the Political Theory subfield requirement at the same time.

注:指定为POLI X200-X299的课程算为专业选修课,但不满足四个子领域分配要求中的任何一个. Courses numbered POLI 7700 and above are graduate courses.

Qualifications, Exceptions, and Special Rules

Introductory courses do not have to be taken in any particular sequence, 而进入专业较晚的学生可能要在基础概念或如何统治世界之前上一门“第二”入门课程.

Students who join the major after their sophomore year are not required to take Fundamental Concepts or other Introductory courses. With department permission, they may substitute other courses (credits) for the standard introductory courses (credits) (POLI 1021, 1041, 1042, 1061, 1081, 1091). 在美国政府或比较政府AP考试中获得至少4分的学生可以不参加第二门入门课程(1042), 1061, 1081, 1091). In either of these cases, students will still need to take ten courses (30学分),并且需要见本科学习主任,以便在学位审核中记录此豁免.

There are courses in Political Science offered in the Woods College of Advancing Studies (WCAS). These courses may only be used to fulfill elective requirement in the major, and only with the prior approval of the Department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. As a general rule, 政治学系只会批准由政治学系正式教员或助教授课的主要学分WCAS课程.

Students may transfer up to four courses (12 credits) from other institutions, including foreign study programs. But in no case may a student earn a degree in Political Science without taking at least six courses (24 credits) in the department. 转学学分和国外学习学分不得用于满足四个子领域分配要求.

Note: Even after the University has accepted a transfer or a foreign study course (credits) for your MCA&S requirements, 你仍然需要向本科学习主任或外国学习顾问申请特殊表格来转移这些课程 (credits) into the appropriate categories on your Degree Audit.

Course Offerings

Student Services course information and schedule is limited to members of the BC community, so you must authenticate by logging on to Agora Portal (portal.selenaumbrella.net). Select EagleApps Course Information and Schedule to view courses.

Sample readings

Plato, The Republic; Protagoras; Meno
William Shakespeare, Richard III, Coriolanus, Julius Caesar
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Xenophon, The Education of. Cyrus
Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince
John Locke, The Second Treatise
J. J. Rousseau, On the Social Contract
J. S. Mill, On Liberty
Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto
Sigmund Freud, Why War?
Eric Hoffer, The True Believer
Robert Conquest, The Great Terror
F. Dostoevsky, “The Grand Inquisitor”
Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon
Abraham Lincoln, “Lyceum Address”
Robert Alter, The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel.
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth
Booker T. Washington, “The Atlanta Exposition Address”
W.E. B. Dubois, “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others”
Cornel West, “The Ignoble Paradox of Modernity”
William Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power
Robert Art & Robert Jervis, International Politics
Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy

Aristotle, Politics
Bertrand de Jouvenel, The Pure Theory of Politics
Paul Johnson, Churchill
David Frum, The Right Man: An Inside Account of the Bush White House
Robert Dahl, How Democratic is the American Constitution?
Publius, The Federalist, Nos. 10, 51, 84
Edmund Burke, “Speech to the Electors of Bristol”
Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom
Hugh Heclo, On Thinking Institutionally
Melissa Lane, The Birth of Politics
Melissa Schwartzberg, Counting the Many: The Origins and Limits of Supermajority Rule
E. E. Schattschneider, The Semi-Sovereign People
Jan Muller, What is Populism?
Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
Albert O. Hirschman, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States
Martin Diamond, “The Declaration and the Constitution: Liberty, Democracy, and the Founders”
Henry David Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience”
Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
Herbert Storing, “The Case Against Civil Disobedience”
Articles of Confederation
The United States Constitution