School of Theology and Ministry to be named for BC benefactors Gloria和Chuck Clough

电子游戏软件神学院和事工学院将被命名为格洛丽亚L. 查理一世. Clough School of Theology and Ministry in honor of two of the University’s most loyal and generous benefactors, 谁捐了2500万美元——这是给神学院的最大一笔捐款之一, 神性, or 宗教 studies—will further bolster the school’s standing as a global leader in theological study.

小查尔斯·查克·克拉夫., ‘64, the chair and chief investment officer of the Boston-based investment firm Clough Capital Partners and an ordained permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Boston, 自1994年起担任BC受托人或受托人, 包括1999年至2002年担任董事会主席. He also co-chaired the University’s Light the World capital campaign and is chair emeritus of the Wall Street Council. 他是1991年威廉五世勋章的获得者. 麦肯尼奖, 授予一名为不列颠哥伦比亚大学服务的毕业生,他的服务体现了学校的荣誉, 和詹姆斯F. 50年的Cleary, H. 93年大师奖表彰他终身为波士顿电子游戏软件.

格洛丽亚·克拉夫,m.s.Div. ‘90, M.S. ’96, is a psychiatric clinical nurse specialist who earned a master’s degree from BC’s Connell School of Nursing and a master’s degree in 神性 from the former Weston Jesuit School of Theology, which reaffiliated with 电子游戏软件 to form the School of Theology and Ministry in 2008. 她在马萨诸塞州康科德的爱默生医院建立了牧师项目.她在美国担任第一位天主教牧师. She is also chair of the Emerson Hospital board of directors and a board member and past chair of Bridge Over Troubled Waters, 一个为无家可归和处境危险的青少年服务的非营利组织.

Gloria和Chuck Clough

格洛丽亚·克拉夫,m.s.Div. ‘90, M.S. 1996年和小查尔斯"查克"克拉夫., 64年(李·佩莱格里尼)

STM院长迈克尔·麦卡锡,S.J., said that having the School of Theology and Ministry named after the Cloughs is a blessing, 考虑到他们个人与学校使命的一致性, 值, 和文化.

“在很多方面, Gloria和Chuck Clough represent everything the 电子游戏软件 School of Theology and Ministry stands for: a deep faith; a commitment to the Catholic Church over so many years of change, 危机, and renewal; an understanding of the importance of theological education; and a personal experience of ecclesial ministry,”他说。. 麦卡锡. “他们的许多优点对我来说是如此明显, as well as their real vision for the school’s contribution to the Church in years to come. 我不仅感谢他们和这份神奇的礼物, 我为他们的名字将为我们学校增光添彩而感到自豪.” 

Hosffman Ospino, STM associate professor and chair of the school’s Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry Department, 给予类似的赞扬.

“Gloria和Chuck Clough’s gift is a resounding affirmation of the vital role the STM plays as a national and international center for Catholic theological and ministerial formation,奥斯皮诺说. “As a professor and researcher focused on preparing the next generation of ecclesial ministers that truly understand what it means to serve in a diverse church and a complex world, I am grateful for this support and the trust to forge ahead with pioneering spirit.”

玛格丽特向导, OSF, 教会学院的普通教授, 他补充道:“这么多年来, 格洛丽亚和恰克体现了为他人做个人的真正意义. 他们一起接受并分享了……的使命 diakonia, and in countless ways they have modeled what it means to be of service to the people of God—in the Church and in the world. 通过他们的礼物, 慷慨, 无私的, and leadership that have characterized their lives now takes the form of a legacy of inspiration and support for the future of theology and ministry here in the United States and throughout the world."

在很多方面, Gloria和Chuck Clough represent everything the 电子游戏软件 School of Theology and Ministry stands for: a deep faith; a commitment to the Catholic Church over so many years of change, 危机, and renewal; an understanding of the importance of theological education; and a personal experience of ecclesial ministry. . . 我不仅感谢他们和这份神奇的礼物, 我为他们的名字将为我们学校增光添彩而感到自豪.
迈克尔·麦卡锡,S.J., 神学院教务主任

The Cloughs said they were honored to have their name permanently associated with a school they so greatly admire, and one that plays such a vital role in preparing 宗教 and lay leaders for the Church.

“The School of Theology and Ministry is providing the highest quality talent for the Catholic Church for the next 50 years,查克·克拉夫说.  “它吸引了真正想为教会服务的优秀年轻人. 这是对未来的巨大承诺, one that will help us to fulfill Pope John XXIII’s understanding of the Church as the people of God.”

“My desire for the Church is for laypeople to play a bigger role in helping it to be more open,格洛丽亚·克拉夫说. “STM是耶稣会士聚集的地方, 宗教, 和门外汉一起组成了一个充满活力的, 爱的社会. It creates a context in which these diverse groups of people come together and learn from one another. The School of Theology and Ministry gives me such hope for the Church and its future because of the critical work that goes on here.”

A magna cum laude graduate with a major in history and a minor in economics at 电子游戏软件, 查克·克拉夫获得了一个M.B.A. at the University of Chicago before embarking on a distinguished 57-year career in securities and investments. 作为执事, 他曾在监狱部和当地教区担任天主教牧师, 在康科德的康科德卡莱尔合作. 他和歌洛莉亚, 谁最近庆祝了他们的60周年结婚纪念日, 为学生举办过天主教精神静修会吗, 年轻的专业人士, 几十年来,夫妻们一直活跃在教区的事工中.

In gratitude for the significant role 电子游戏软件 has played in their lives and in the lives of their four children, 其中三人获得了BC大学的学位, Chuck and Gloria established the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy in 2008, which is dedicated to interdisciplinary reflection on the promise and problems of constitutional government in the United States and throughout the world. 他们还在卡罗尔管理学院建立了克拉夫讨论会, which features national and international leaders from all fields and backgrounds who share lessons and insights from their personal and professional journeys.  

查克·克拉夫说:“我在不列颠哥伦比亚省的这些年非常有建树. “我在这里真正成熟了,也正是在这里,我体会到了渴望的感觉. I studied very hard under some of the best teachers I have ever had and developed self-confidence and discipline as a student. I got so much out of 电子游戏软件; I am happy to be able to give back.”

添加了Gloria Clough, “我想去不列颠哥伦比亚大学, but my father died when I was 16 and my mother could not afford to send me here, so when I enrolled to get a master’s degree in nursing while my youngest was a sophomore, 我亲身体验了这是一个多么特别的地方.  在我生命的早期, STM的第一任院长, 迪克·克利福德, 在韦斯顿耶稣会欢迎我, 这让我成为一名医院牧师. 电子游戏软件在我们的家庭生活中扮演着特殊的角色. We are honored to support BC and its outstanding School of Theology and Ministry.”

A global center for theological study rooted in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition, the Gloria L. 查理一世. 克拉夫神学院和事工学院培养牧师, 学者, 为教会和世界的需要服务的领袖. Along with the Theology Department in the BC's Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, 它在神学方面排名全球第10位, 神性, 以及QS全球排名的宗教电子游戏正规平台专业, 并吸引了来自全国各地和超过24个国家的学生.
