Magnetic Resonance Center


The Magnetic Resonance Center (MRC) at Boston College (BC) maintains three Varian/Agilent and two Bruker AVANCE NEO NMR spectrometers. 瓦里安/安捷伦系统是400, 500和600兆赫与室温探头, 而两个布鲁克系统的频率是500兆赫, 并配备了氦气和奇才低温探测器. The Bruker instruments, 哪些是MRC的最新成员, 是由NIH-S10和NSF-MRI项目的外部拨款资助的吗. 除了核磁共振光谱仪, the MRC also maintains a Bruker EMX-Plus EPR system with a cryogen-free variable temperature (VT) setup, 以及ESR 5000台式EPR光谱仪.

The instruments available at the MRC allow NMR users to observe most spin-active nuclei and perform nearly all state-of-the-art, 多维溶液态核磁共振实验. Similarly, any required X-band EPR experiments can also be performed at ambient and low temperature settings, 在MRC员工的监督下. 除了支持广泛的电子游戏正规平台项目的BC教师, 这些光谱仪也用于教学和拓展项目. 所有预订均使用iLab核心设施管理软件, 从而确保最有效地利用设施的资源.

除了仪器和专业知识的MRC工作人员进行咨询, all facility users are further supported by free access to the Mestrenova software for data processing, which can be utilized following a safe and seamless transfer of files to any personal device within the BC network. Users may also store data on the spectrometer computers; this data is backed up by the IT specialists at BC, 谁能随时排除故障并解决任何技术问题.

Please note that all work performed in BC core facilities and recharge centers should always be appropriately acknowledged.  如果您正在发布或展示在BC核心设施和充电中心获得的数据, please include the following statement in the Acknowledgement section of your manuscript/poster/presentation, "The authors would like to thank the Boston College for assistance with the work presented in this paper/poster/presentation*."
* Delete as appropriate


由Varian NMR公司制造. and including a 14.1特斯拉54毫米孔瓦里安优质屏蔽长期持有磁铁, 该光谱仪由一台运行Linux Centos 6的戴尔OptiPlex 9010计算机驱动.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 software. 4通道光谱仪(2hb, LB和2 LB)配备了z轴Performa IV脉冲场梯度, 直接传动结构, ProTune自动调谐和匹配高、低波段探测通道, 可变温度控制.

The spectrometer has a 600 MHz 1H-19F/15N-31P PFG AutoX DB NB probe and a 600 MHz 1H{13C/15N} 5mm PFG automation-enabled triple-resonance probe.


由Varian NMR公司制造. and including a 11.7特斯拉54毫米孔瓦里安优质屏蔽长期持有磁铁, 该光谱仪由一台运行Linux Centos 6的戴尔OptiPlex 9010计算机驱动.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 software. 双通道光谱仪配备了z轴Performa IV脉冲场梯度, 直接传动结构, ProTune自动调谐和匹配高、低波段探测通道, 可变温度控制.

光谱仪有一个500 MHz1H-19F/15N-31P OneNMR PFG探针.


由布鲁克公司制造., this AVANCE NEO 500 MHz spectrometer was supported by an award from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (NSF-MRI) Program. 该系统使用的探针是X核优化的5毫米双共振BBO H&F CryoProbe Prodigy, which is designed for X-nuclei detection with 1H or 19F decoupling (or vice versa for 1H or 19F observation). The accompanying nitrogen VT gas separator and gas membrane air dryer allow users to easily run simple experiments at low temperatures up to -40 °C. 除了电子游戏正规平台活动, this instrument will also be specifically used for a multitude of outreach programs at BC that are championed by the NSF.

如果这个仪器被用于数据收集,后来在任何出版物中使用, 海报或简报等., please make sure to acknowledge the support from the NSF by citing the funding grant with the following statement: “The research reported in this [publication/poster/presentation] was supported by the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (NSF-MRI) Program, under the award number CHE-2117246.”


由布鲁克公司制造., this AVANCE NEO 500 MHz spectrometer was supported by an award from the National Institutes of Health High-End Instrumentation (NIH-HEI S10) Program. The probe used on this system is CryoProbe (He) BBFO 5mm BBF/1H X nuclei optimized 5 mm double resonance BBFO (designed for X-nuclei observation with 1H decoupling and vice versa). X核范围包括19F,探针包括1H, BBF和2H的冷却前置放大器. this highly sensitive system is primarily used to support the broad range of NIH-supported research programs at BC.

如果这个仪器被用于数据收集,后来在任何出版物中使用, 海报或简报等., please make sure to acknowledge the support from the NIH by citing the funding grant with the following statement: “The research reported in this [publication/talk/poster] was supported by the HEI-S10 Program of the National Institutes of Health, under the award number 1S10OD026910-01A1.”


由Varian NMR公司制造. and including a 9.395特斯拉54毫米孔瓦里安优质屏蔽长期持有磁铁, 该光谱仪由一台运行Linux Centos 6的戴尔OptiPlex 9010计算机驱动.10 and Agilent VJ 4.2 NMR software. 双通道光谱仪配备了z轴Performa IV脉冲场梯度, 直接传动结构, ProTune自动调谐和匹配高、低波段探测通道, 可变温度控制. 光谱仪有一个400 MHz1H-19F/15N-31P PFG AutoX DB NB探针.

The new departmental EMX-Plus EPR spectrometer from the Bruker Biospin Corporation is equipped with a cryogen free VT system that allows the samples to be cooled down to temperatures as low as 4.5 K. This instrument provides crucial support to research groups working on high-spin metal complexes containing iron or cobalt centers. 连同ER 073 10“双轭磁铁, this system has a Hall field controller and signal channel module that are both digital and ultra-high resolution, an X-band, solid state low noise microwave bridge and a high sensitivity probehead with an optical window for running CW-EPR experiments in X-band. 这个系统使用氙气1号.1 . Linux环境下的采集软件, with WIN-EPR, wimm - simfonia和XSophe软件包用于EPR光谱的模拟.


由布鲁克公司制造., this ESR5000 X-band Bench-top CW EPR Spectrometer comes with a temperature control unit capable of running variable temperature experiments (using gaseous liquid nitrogen) covering the temperature range from -180 to 200 °C. 该系统对简单EPR谱的获取有很大的帮助, and for specific instances where a colder or warmer stable temperature is impossible to maintain on the EMX-Plus system, 哪个是用氦气冷却的.

Marek Domin

Thusitha Jayasundera, Ph.D.
Director, NMR Center

Dr. Jayasundera获得了B.S. 在马萨诸塞大学获得化学学位., followed by an M.S. and Ph.D. 获得耶鲁大学生物物理化学硕士学位.B.A. 电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院. 在完成了两个博士后电子游戏正规平台助理职位后,第一个在圣. 裘德儿童癌症电子游戏正规平台医院和布朗大学, he joined the Chemistry Department at BC as the Assistant Director of the Magnetic Resonance Center (MRC) in August 2011, 并于2016年接任该设施的主管.

Dr. Jayasundera的电子游戏正规平台训练集中在蛋白质核磁共振的多方面领域, 包括蛋白质和小分子之间广泛的动力学和相互作用的电子游戏正规平台, 以及使用现代核磁共振方法测定蛋白质的三维结构. 除了在MRC的工作外,他还为化学系教授两门选修课(核磁共振的原理和应用 in the Fall, and 生物学中的磁共振 在春季),以及一门课程 Surviving Life with Humor 参加大学顶点项目.

Magnetic Resonance Center
Thusitha Jayasundera, Ph.D.
Merkert 105A

Willy Ngendahimana

Thacien Ngendahimana, Ph.D.

Dr. 恩根达希曼纳只得到了B.俄克拉何马基督教大学化学硕士学位.在新墨西哥州立大学获得分析化学硕士学位.D. 来自丹佛大学. He joined the Chemistry Department at Boston College in May 2022 as Assistant Director in the Magnetic Resonance Center. A native of Rwanda, Dr. Ngendahimana’s research focused on investigations of nitroxide radicals by Continuous Wave and pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy in the context of understanding them as potential protein spin labels for site-directed spin labelling. He extensively studied the temperature dependence of electron spin relaxation of nitroxide radicals and other various spin systems to understand how knowledge of electron spin relaxation can guide improved molecular design. Dr. Ngendahimana还接受了ESEEM等其他先进脉冲EPR技术的培训, HYSCORE用于核频率和自旋相互作用测量, 以及用于距离测量和蛋白质结构构象电子游戏正规平台的DEER.

Magnetic Resonance Center
Thacien Ngendahimana, Ph.D.
Merkert 107