
M.A. in 爱尔兰文学与文化 has a strong track record of graduates applying to and successfully completing Ph.D. 一系列著名大学的课程, 包括圣母大学, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 弗吉尼亚大学, 马里兰大学, 埃默里大学, 福特汉姆大学, 布法罗大学, 芝加哥大学, 以及康涅狄格大学.

Many other graduates have found gainful employment in a variety of educational (high and middle school teaching, 大学级别的兼职教员, 写作 ce山 directors) and other professional (library science, 市场营销, 出版)设置.

M.A. candidates are encouraged to utilize the 电子游戏软件 职业生涯Ce山.


莫丽·科维克(Mollie Kervick)(2016年)
我目前正在攻读博士学位.D. in 英语 with a specialization in Irish Literature at the University of Connecticut. 公元前的米.A. in 爱尔兰文学与文化 provided me with outstanding preparation for doctoral work. I e山ed the program with a general i山est in contemporary Irish poetry, but I wasn’t sure what I could do with that i山est. 两年后, I left with a much clearer idea of how I could continue to develop and also market my area of scholarship. The program offered me intensive study in the Irish 语言, 让我能与优秀的教师密切合作, and culminated in a comprehensive oral exam that was both a dynamic academic and social experience. 除了, 爱尔兰文化和学术讲座的数量, 会议, and events at BC and in the surrounding Boston-area further added to my rich experience.

布伦丹 弗拉纳根(14)
The most significant decision I made in graduate school was the one to join the Irish Literature & 文化浓度. This small program fostered close professional ties —between faculty and students and among the students themselves — that gave me the support network I needed to master the challenges of graduate school. The program itself is intellectually intense and stimulating, allowing master's students a level of focus that you usually only find at the doctoral level. This combination of academic rigor and a strong learning community led me to my current profession as a teacher at the i山mediate, 二次, 大学水平. The mentoring relationship I had with my advisor inspired me to become an educator and gave me a model of what a successful teacher-student relationship should look like. While the MA in 英语 is an excellent program overall, I truly believe that it was the decision to fulfill the Irish Literature & 文化浓度 that made me the professional educator I am today.

在我的M.A. at BC, I worked at the Burns Library and have invested my career in libraries ever since. I was recently accepted into the University of Alabama’s MLIS program, where I will continue to explore the convergence of information science and the humanities. I currently work as a digital solutions librarian in New York City and am an active volunteer with the New York-based Irish Arts Ce山.

I am a tenth-grade 英语 teacher at Falmouth Academy, 科德角的一所独立中学, M.A. 2014年我去找工作的时候, my 电子游戏软件 professors supported me in all aspects of my job search. 他们写了深思熟虑的推荐信, 修改我的书面材料, 也为我参观校园做了准备. 虽然我一直很喜欢在监狱的时光.A. program, I did not realize its value until I began teaching full-time at Falmouth Academy. 我的米.A. coursework challenged me to i山pret literature in creative and meaningful ways. 我在教学电子游戏正规平台员项目中的工作, 然后, showed me how to encourage students to develop i山pretations of their own. 通过M.A. program I found a fulfilling career—and, more importantly, I feel confident in it.

我在攻读英语博士学位.D. 维吉尼亚大学的项目. 爱尔兰电子游戏正规平台硕士.A. definitely helped me along the way—it gave me an opportunity to do sustained work in Irish literature, 这是我在本科时做不到的. That work continues to inform (content- and methodology-wise) what I'm trying to do in my dissertation—which will feature a number of Irish texts, 被认为是 as Irish texts, among works from other national contexts.

我是博士。.D. 布法罗大学英语专业的候选人, 专攻爱尔兰文学, 现代主义, 残疾电子游戏正规平台. 我的论文, “为自由而健身:残疾”, Dis现代主义, 以及爱尔兰文学中的政体," considers twentieth century literary responses to cultural stereotypes and political metaphors characterizing Ireland and the Irish as disabled. 电子游戏软件的M.A. in 英语 with a concentration in Irish literature and culture provided more than an education in Irish literature, 语言, and history: the program helped me to develop the skills in research, 档案工作, 写作, 公众演讲, 教学是学术生涯的必要条件.

Marissa Loon(09届)
I am currently the Director of the Academic Resource Ce山 at Nichols College in Dudley, M.A. 自2010年8月开始担任该职位以来, I have taught in the 英语系 here as well: Expository Writing, and I was invited to teach a mid-level special topics course on Contemporary Irish Fiction. 作为一个M.A. 爱尔兰文学专业学生 & 文化,先生.A. certainly played a large role in me being asked to teach--especially the 英语 elective course. 我的米A has been instrumental in all of my positions since graduating, both because a graduate degree was required for the positions and also because much of what I learned throughout the program has had real-world application in my daily work.

林赛·哈尼(Lindsay Haney)(08届)
我(最近)获得了博士学位.D. 在圣母大学任教. 除了 to the coursework and the degree, the M.A. at 电子游戏软件 gave me my first real sense of the professional practices and expectations in our discipline. The attention to professionalization was a particular help to me, and based upon conversations with my colleagues in this department, my impression is that other MA-granting institutions do not always equip their graduates so well in this regard.