职业生涯 Development

我们提供坚定不移的专业发展支持和准备, rooted in a spirit of vocational discernment, 这导致了无与伦比的成功:97%的毕业生在毕业后六个月内获得了实习机会.

通过各种编程和一对一的互动, 我们的就业服务工作人员和教师考虑每个学生的天赋如何最好地为世界服务,然后热情地追求与你的才能和兴趣相匹配的职位.


Jacqueline Regan

Jacqueline Regan

By the Numbers


Placement within six months of graduation (2022)


Placement for master's graduates (2022)


Size of CSTM's alumni network, worldwide

职业生涯 Preparation 资源


我们提供了大量的资源来帮助学生为CSTM之后的下一步做准备. 这些课程帮助学生培养求职面试和博士申请的技能和策略, 并提供机会与校友联系,了解不同的事工选择.

校友 Mentors

与CSTM校友建立广泛的网络联系,他们曾为CSTM在读学生提供导师服务. 在你找工作的过程中,寻求信息面试、洞察力对话和指导. This database is shared with current students.

Called to Serve Series

Gathering information, building relationships, 提出好的问题是成功找工作的关键因素. Designed for soon-to-be graduates, but open to all, 呼召服务系列提供了一个机会,启动或提高你的求职技能,同时让你接触到在各种部委工作的CSTM校友. 我们的校友小组成员和CPE主管都渴望与您谈论他们的识别过程, job searches, 当你辨别自己的职业道路和准备工作面试时,他们现在的事工.

Preparing for the Job 搜索 Workshop

STM员工合作提供工作识别方面的有用信息, 重新开始, cover letters, interview tips, 以及CSTM提供给学生的资源,包括CSTM简历册, the CSTM job board, our alumni network, and individual advising.

Life 方向 Retreat

这种静修在春季学期开始时进行. 除了反思鉴别力的艺术和技巧, 它提供了一个机会来权衡两个选项,学生可能会在辨别的背景下探索.

STM Resume Book

At the beginning of the spring semester, CSTM每年出版一本即将毕业的简历书, which is sent to hundreds of employers nationwide. Resumes are due at the end of January.

Job Opportunities

STM为有机会访问CSTM职业网站的学生和校友按部门维护工作机会页面. 这些资料在一年内由全国各地的组织电子游戏正规平台

One-on-One Consultation

在这个过程中,有很多教职员工和校友愿意支持你. Contact Jacqueline Regan, Associate Dean, Student Affairs and 职业生涯 Services, 谁会乐意把你和你感兴趣的领域的人联系起来.

应用ing to Ph.D. Programs Workshop

This session features both faculty and current Ph.D. 学生,并讨论了诸如选择项目和导师,准备C.V.写个人陈述,索要推荐信等等.


Where Are Our Graduates Now?


我们的许多毕业生寻求在各种部委和教育机构的安置. Recent placements include:

Theology Teacher, Mount Alvernia High School

Director of Hispanic 部门, Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish

Resident Chaplain, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Campus Minister for 礼拜仪式, St. Louis University

助理辅导主任/辅导牧师 电动汽车的孩子

Religious Studies Teacher, Brophy College Preparatory

Chapter Action and Advocacy Specialist, Catholic Relief Services

Behavioral Health Therapist, Bridge Over Troubled Water

Doctoral Programs

早在学生的第一学期,教师导师就开始与计划继续攻读博士学位的学生合作. CSTM的学生获得了许多世界上最挑剔的博士课程的录取, testifying to the quality of a CSTM education, the caliber of the student body, and the school’s thorough placement process. 应届毕业生已到多所大学攻读博士学位, including the following:

Boston College

Boston University

The Catholic University of America

Duquesne University

Fordham University

The Gregorian University

Harvard University

Loyola University Chicago

Marquette University

Oxford University

St. Louis University

University of Notre Dame

University of Toronto

Yale University

Graduate Theological Union


校友 Voices


校友 Award Recipients

Our alumni emerge as leaders in the church and world, 准备好对他们所服务的社区产生直接影响. CSTM很高兴每年通过以下奖项表彰两位杰出的校友.

丹尼尔·J. Harrington, S.J. 校友 Distinguished Service Award

  • James Martin, S.J., Editor-at-Large, America Media (2018)
  • Gregory Boyle, S.J., Founder, 首页boy Industries (2021)
  • Maryanne Confoy, RSC, 澳洲天主教大学教牧神学教授 (2022)
  • Susan Bigelow Reynolds, 坎德勒神学院天主教电子游戏正规平台助理教授 (2023)

Young 校友 Leadership in Ministry Award

  • Anna Robertson, 分布式组织主任,有辨识力的执事 (2024)



职业生涯 Planning

连接 with 校友

Get in touch with our loyal alumni, 谁是我们项目的大使和学生的导师. 他们就各种主题提供专业和个人的指导.

BC 职业生涯 Center

就业中心全年提供个人指导和组织活动和项目, 帮助学生发现自己的兴趣,追求有意义的职业.

For Employers

Interested in hiring our high-achieving students? 电子游戏软件,了解如何将CSTM学生的才能与您的需求相结合.

Networks of Support

Between faculty, 工作人员, 和校友, CSTM的学生可以获得无数的资源来进行职业规划和准备. 认识到CSTM提供的强有力的准备工作, 雇主们每年都积极寻找CSTM毕业生来雇佣.
